At CDI, we understand that the backbone of any resilient, forward-thinking business is the unwavering security and uninterrupted availability of its data. Our elite Backup and Recovery Assessment doesn’t just review your existing strategies – it redefines them. We spotlight your strengths and meticulously uncover areas for advancement. With CDI, it’s not just an assessment – it’s an empowerment tool that equips your business to proactively outmaneuver risks and master the art of data management.


  • In-Depth Holistic Analysis: Our team of elite subject matter experts doesn’t just skim the surface. We dive deep into the nuances of your data protection, backup, and recovery practices, unraveling the complexities of your systems and processes.
  • Comprehensive Risk Identification: Unearthing potential vulnerabilities is our forte. We meticulously scan your data infrastructure to identify risks from both external threats and internal inefficiencies.
  • Rigorous Performance Evaluation: Our approach goes beyond standard assessments. We critically evaluate the efficacy of your data recovery procedures, ensuring they are not just operational but optimally aligned with your business continuity goals.
  • Advanced Disaster Preparedness: Preparedness is power. We rigorously assess your disaster recovery plan’s robustness and flexibility, preparing you to face unforeseen challenges with confidence.
  • Ransomware Resilience Check: In an era where ransomware is rampant, we ensure your defenses are impenetrable. Our assessment meticulously examines your safeguards against these attacks, highlighting any security gaps and strategizing effective response measures.


Empowering Actionable Insights Go beyond basic insights. Receive a meticulously crafted report, benchmarked against CDI's renowned best practices. This report doesn't just assess – it empowers you with a multi-faceted overview across seven critical areas of data protection.
Proactive Risk Mitigation Don't just manage risks – stay ahead of them. Our assessment enables you to proactively address vulnerabilities, transforming potential crises into manageable scenarios.

Enhanced Recovery Capabilities: Elevate your data recovery processes. We help you fine-tune these mechanisms, ensuring rapid and effective restoration in the event of data loss or system failures.
Strategic Long-term Planning Transform assessment findings into strategic actions. Our documentation serves as a blueprint for future data protection enhancements, aligning your investments with overarching business objectives.


  • Unparalleled Expertise: Our team is not just experienced; they are pioneers in data security and recovery assessment, ensuring you benefit from the highest standards of analysis and insight.
  • Customized, Industry-Specific Approach: Your business is unique, and so are our solutions. Our assessments are meticulously tailored to your industry, size, and operational intricacies.
  • Vendor-Agnostic Objective Insights: With CDI, receive an unbiased, vendor-neutral evaluation. We offer you a clear, unobstructed view of your data protection strategies.
  • Foundation for Future-Proof Data Protection: Our assessment is more than a service; it’s an investment in your future. By pinpointing weaknesses and gaps, we help you lay a resilient foundation for enduring data protection.